The Czech National Repository platform (NRP) is an ecosystem of heterogeneous repositories which share basic infrastructure components (such as AAI, storage), provide their services to the whole community (not just to one institution) and disseminate their content to the National Repository (National Metadata Directory).
The following repository technologies are supported by the organizations involved in the NRP:
Invenio is a set of libraries created primarily by CERN that provide building blocks for creating custom repositories. Repository metadata are expressed in JSON file format that supports scenarios which require metadata of complex structure.
Being a set of libraries, setting up a new repository for complex metadata structure requires developer experience - one must write the model, prepare UI (editor components written in React, view components written as HTML/jinja2 snippets), build and create deployment packages.
TODO: For simpler scenarios which use existing dataset/document metadata schemas we provide ready to install images which can be customized just with configuration changes, without the need for extra software development.
In NRP, Invenio makes the foundation for the National Data and Document Repository.
Responsible organizations:
- CESNET z.s.p.o.
- Czech National Library of Technology